Climate Change and Global Warming Global warming refers to the increasing average global temperature since the Industrial Revolution. Donated5%$11800 to go
Carbon Emissions: The World is in Danger The World is in Danger. The Earth's climate is changing and it can be very detrimental to life across the globe. Donated48%$1300 to go
Stop Fossil Fuels. Build 100% Renewables It’s time to repower our communities with clean, renewable energy from the sun, earth, wind and water. Donated41%$4600 to go
The Massive Project to Clean Up the Ocean Every year, eight million metric tons of plastic enter the ocean, threatening just about every ecosystem. Donated66%$4000 to go
Volunteer Program: Let’s Protect Baby Deer This project rescues, rehabilitates and release many species of animals including large mammals like deer. Donated84%$700 to go
We Want to Save the Ocean Turtles People who need to fish for a living are catching turtles in their nets and either injuring them or killing them. Donated6%$16800 to go
Millions of Trees at Risk. Save the Forest A quiet crisis playing out in US forests as huge numbers of trees succumb to drought, disease, insects and wildfire. Donated8%$10350 to go
Help Us Protect Grizzly Bears Population Your support will help us fight to protect grizzly bears and other threatened and endangered wildlife. Donated10%$7350 to go
Read moreRead more $4600 To GoStop Fossil Fuels. Build 100% Renewables It’s time to repower our communities with clean, renewable energy from the sun, earth, wind and water. Donate Now 41%Donated